The Nerd Herd
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About Us

Letter From Our President

Hey everybody,
This is Katie Leader, President of the Nerd Herd.  I am so excited about how quickly Becky and my idea has expanded to this awesome club.  Thanks to Becky's making of this site, we already have two new members, and who knows?  You could be the next new member.  You see, nerds are absolutely the coolest people in the world.  How is being "popular" in high school going to assist anybody in their future?  Nerds don't care what people think of them! (Or us, depending who you are)  Yeah, I stay home at night to study for hours, and maybe my favorite thing to do is sit around and play minesweeper on my computer.  That doesn't make me a bad person!
  Some people consider high school the best time of their lives.  Yeah, I can't wait to go to college.  In twenty years, when I look back on my high school years, I'll probably recite the first line of A Tale of Two Cities "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," (Ken definitely knew that on Jeopardy :-)). You see, for me, every other day of high school is fine.  However, on my off days (which accumulate to being half of the time), I hate it!  I want to go to college!  And I am not bipolar!  Nobody cares what you're wearing.  Nobody excludes you because you weren't at the big party last Friday night.  Everybody's so wound up in what they're doing that they don't have time to worry about what you're doing.
I recently found out that I am a liberal arts geek.  This, I think, may be the hardest geek to be. (I may be wrong!)   Yeah, I'm on the track team, but I consider track practice my social hour of the day.  I think that being a liberal arts geek is so hard, because I spend a lot of time with people who are not geeks. (Look, my boyfriend isn't even a geek!)  I feel pressure to be "cool", and that is exactly what I don't want.
And this, my fellow nerds, is why we have to stick together!  Please, join us in the Nerd Herd.  What's the worst that can happen?

Your President,
Katie Leader

History of Our Club

Okay, so there's not so much history for our club since it was only formed on July 9th, 2004.  We got the name "nerd herd" from a person we were talking to, who told us he wasn't exactly popular but he wasn't in the nerd herd either.  We decided we were in the nerd herd, and the name just stuck!

Our Charter

The Nerd Herd has been formed so all of us "not so popular" people can get together and show our true spirit.  We're proud of the things that make us unique (our daily watching of Jeopardy, obsession with Harry Potter, etc... or maybe that's just me) and we are proud to be in the NH!  Accept and embrace your inner nerd!  Just remember us nerds rock...not being cool means I am secure with who I am.